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We are pleased to present a continuation of Awaken Pittsburgh’s Exploring the Tree of Contemplative Practices series. This series draws inspiration from the Tree of Contemplative Practices graphic from the Center for Contemplative Mind and Society which we reference in our core trainings.
Over these seven months, we will partner with community practitioners to offer a workshop on each of the 7 ‘branches’:Ritual/Cyclical, Stillness, Relational, Movement, Generative, Active, and Creative.
Join us on Saturday, December 3rd, from 10:00 AM – Noon as we engage with the “Relational” branch, through an interactive workshop on Contemplative Storytelling, led by Britt Dorazio.
Contemplative Storytelling
Storytelling is a fundamental part of being human. What awakens in our inner landscape when we share and build stories together? How does it feel to stay present and listen to others' stories?
In this session we will flow in and out of individual, partnered, and group practices, exploring the connective nature of storytelling and active listening. We will end by building a story together.
This is a hybrid event. Please join us in-person at the Squirrel Hill JCC, or on zoom.
Britt is a trauma-informed mindfulness and meditation guide, social emotional arts, and somatic facilitator. She is also a multi-disciplinary artist with a focus on theater and music. She creates projects, programs, workshops, conversations, and works one on one with folks at this meeting point of creative expression and inner space exploration. Britt believes that working with the languages of the arts, the body, and the breath, together, in a community, has the compassionate power to bring us back home to ourselves, each other, and the land.
Exploring the Tree of Contemplative Practices Series
The Exploring the Tree of Contemplative Practices series will run on the first Saturday of each month from October – May. Mark your calendars for upcoming sessions.
Our small but mighty operation is made possible through a team of dedicated, part-time staff and a large network of volunteers and supporters like you.
Awaken Pittsburgh, a 501c3 non-profit organization, relies on the generosity of our community to achieve our mission of fostering well-being, empathy, and compassion for all. Your support helps mindfulness practitioners reach individuals across the Greater Pittsburgh Area through evidence-based programs, activities, and events.
Every life changed was made possible with the help of donors—like you–grantors, community partners, and dozens upon dozens of
volunteers. This is a team effort! We hope you will consider supporting our organization today by becoming a monthly donor or by making a gift in an amount that feels meaningful to you.
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