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From a 1-hour presentation for students or staff to a multi-week training for educators and administrators on coping with burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma, we can customize our content and delivery formats to fit your specific needs, requirements, and goals.
Awaken Pittsburgh is dedicated to supporting mental health and well-being in schools by providing comprehensive mindfulness-based programming.
Our offerings focus on transforming individuals and organizational culture by addressing key areas to support mental health and wellbeing and create a safe, secure, and supportive environment.
Here are some examples of topics we can address:
Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice: We provide mindfulness-based strategies for managing disputes and promoting peaceful resolutions, fostering an atmosphere of empathy, compassion, and respect.
Positive Behavior Support: Our programs train educators in strategies and interventions that address primary and secondary support needs: promoting prosocial skills, self-management, positive behavior and reducing problem behaviors.
Mental Health Early Intervention and Self-Care: Our offerings include violence prevention curricula, emphasizing mental health awareness and self-care practices.
Training for Prevention and Early Intervention: Our specialized training programs focus on recognizing and addressing risk factors that contribute to problem behaviors, including bullying and suicide awareness.
Our evidence-based programs are designed and taught by teachers, for teachers, these courses help educators build stress-reducing skills to create space for mindfulness and meditation in their lives, then bring those skills to their classrooms.
Course 1: Mindful Connections™ for Educators
Flexible and adaptable to your unique setting, this teacher training course introduces essential mindfulness practices that help strengthen social and emotional regulation and well-being. Our instructors, who are experienced educators themselves, will teach you skills to help you cope with daily stressors, be more resilient, nurture compassion and empathy, and develop a regular mindfulness practice.
In Mindful Connections™ for Educators, we dive into:
A basic introduction to mindfulness
The research that supports mindfulness
Dealing with difficult emotions and events
Working with stressful situations and environments
The goal of this program is to guide school staff in bringing meditation and mindfulness practices into their classrooms and work with students. Mindful Connections™ for Educators is a prerequisite.
We typically begin with a one-hour presentation to the parents and community about the program. For school staff, a 12-hour program will then be delivered to fit your professional
development calendar and could be offered in a variety of structures and formats.
In Mindful Connections™ for Classrooms, we teach you to:
Embody and model mindfulness in the classroom and with colleagues
Lead age-appropriate mindfulness practices with students
Help students understand and identify their
stress responses
Nurture students’ positive self-talk and
Facilitate students’ natural capacity to give
and receive love, empathy, and compassion
Integrate a trauma-informed approach to delivering mindfulness to students
Course 3: Mindful Connections™ for Trauma Sensitive Schools
MC4TSS teaches ways to hold space, provide support, and create a school that takes into consideration the fact that many in our school communities have experienced trauma in their lives and reduce potential harm. Participants will be provided a road map and context for a deeper nderstanding of the need for a trauma informed approach in all aspects of schools and how to create a school and classroom environment that is safer for all. MC4TSS can be offered prior to or after our MC4E program.
This course is offered as 8, 1.5 hour sessions that cover:
1. The 4 R’s to being trauma sensitive as an overview of what we’ll cover together:
Realize the prevalence of trauma in our communities
Recognize the symptoms of trauma in our students and ourselves
Avoid Re-Traumatization
Respond in supportive ways when you
identify a trauma response
2. What is trauma? How prevalent is it?
3. How does trauma show up at schools?
4. What is a trauma response? Body & brain
5. What can be done proactively to reduce the potential of harm?
6. How to bring a person experiencing a trauma response into the present moment
7. How to react to difficult student behaviors in a trauma sensitive way
Some of the organizations we’ve worked with include...
“The sessions were so informative and helped to keep the energy going with my own practice. The content was rich and relevant. It was very easy to make real life connections and not be made to feel that this practice was out of my reach.””
Environmental Charter School
“Thank you! Sometimes at the end of a school day we are tired, but you were wonderful facilitators at pulling it out."
Woodland Hills School District
Awaken Pittsburgh fosters well-being, empathy, and compassion for all by teaching and encouraging mindfulness and meditation practices.
5738 Forbes Ave,
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Copyright 2024 Awaken Pittsburgh
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