Our Approach Backed By Research

Evidence Based Approach

At Awaken Pittsburgh, we’re dedicated to evidence-based programming and open, ongoing measurement of the effectiveness of our work—both through our own findings and in partnership with third-party research groups.

Our Approach

Our Mindful Connections™ curricula, and all programs we deliver, are grounded in the latest scientific studies on the efficacy of mindfulness and meditation training. As we continually measure the effectiveness of our programming, our aim is to use this growing evidence base to design practical, supportive programs that can benefit individuals and, consequently, the entire community. 

Participant Surveys

Before and after our courses, we ask participants to complete standardized assessment surveys designed specifically for adults or youth. Surveying our program participants helps us ensure we are making the difference we set out to make. 

They also help us assess which parts of each program were considered most beneficial and provide us with valuable feedback we can use to further improve our approach and curricula. As often as possible, we carry out follow-up studies to measure the true impact of what we teach.

The findings allow us to measure our impact on key outcomes such as:
  • Mindful Awareness
  • Stress Levels
  • Compassion Satisfaction
  • Burnout
  • Secondary Traumatic Stress

Research Collaborations

We are proud to work with the Health and Human Performance Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, where ongoing research is being done on our programming. 

Recommended Studies
The Evidence Base for Mindfulness

Research studies on the benefits of mindfulness practice in different settings and for different clinical conditions have been increasing rapidly over the last decade. Overviews of the studies most relevant to our programming are listed here.

Reducing Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Erica M.S. et al. Pediatrics January 2016 Volume 137 Issue 1

Keng SL, Smoski MJ, Robins CJ. Clin Psychol Rev. 2011 Aug;31(6):1041-56.

Goyal M, et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Mar;174(3):357-68.Erica M.S. et al. Pediatrics January 2016 Volume 137 Issue 1

Rodrigues MF, Nardi AE, Levitan M. Trends Psychiatry Psychother. 2017 Jul-Sep;39(3):207-215

Hofmann SG, Gómez AF. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2017 Dec;40(4):739-749.

Ortiz R, Sibinga EM. Children (Basel). 2017 Feb 28;4(3). pii: E16.

Supporting Caring Professionals and Teachers
Supporting Youth

Simpson S, et al. Mindfulness (N Y). 2018;9(5):1330-1343.

Awaken Pittsburgh fosters well-being, empathy, and compassion for all by teaching and encouraging mindfulness and meditation practices.




5738 Forbes Ave,

Pittsburgh, PA 15217


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