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JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Second Saturday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Third Monday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
Jewish Community Center - South Hills 345 Kane Blvd., Pittsburgh, United States
Join Us for a Mindful Escape: In-Person & Online Guided Meditation Embrace tranquillity every first Tuesday! Awaken Pittsburgh invites you to our transformative guided meditation sessions, perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Dive into a serene space of communal mindfulness and receive expert guidance to enrich your meditation journey. Session Snapshot: Warm introductions to […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Second Saturday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Third Monday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
Jewish Community Center - South Hills 345 Kane Blvd., Pittsburgh, United States
Join Us for a Mindful Escape: In-Person & Online Guided Meditation Embrace tranquillity every first Tuesday! Awaken Pittsburgh invites you to our transformative guided meditation sessions, perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Dive into a serene space of communal mindfulness and receive expert guidance to enrich your meditation journey. Session Snapshot: Warm introductions to […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Second Saturday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Third Monday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
Jewish Community Center - South Hills 345 Kane Blvd., Pittsburgh, United States
Join Us for a Mindful Escape: In-Person & Online Guided Meditation Embrace tranquillity every first Tuesday! Awaken Pittsburgh invites you to our transformative guided meditation sessions, perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Dive into a serene space of communal mindfulness and receive expert guidance to enrich your meditation journey. Session Snapshot: Warm introductions to […]
JCC Squirrel Hill 5738 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Second Saturday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our […]
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