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Mindfulness is sometimes thought of as what we do when we sit on a cushion and meditate. But actually, it’s a skill we build through paying attention to whatever we’re doing in the present moment with curiosity and non-judgment. This can be taking a moment to notice what is going on in our minds and bodies—a quick check-in—or it can be going about our everyday activities more consciously.
Too often we are trying to do multiple things at the same time: preparing dinner and listening to the news, eating lunch while catching up on emails or social media posts. Personally, I find that constant multitasking drains my energy. I, therefore, look for ways to bring my mindfulness practice into my daily activities. This could be taking the first 3 to 4 bites of my lunch with full attention, mindfully, just really tasting and appreciating my food. Other times, I will just sit for a moment and notice how I am and where I am.
Building these mindful moments into our days is a great way to support our regular meditation practices and pick our mindfulness muscle up off the cushion. It also interrupts the feeling of being in a daily grind, bringing joy.
In our online community this month, we will explore the wide variety of practices that help us bring mindfulness into our daily living. This will include making space to just sit for 5 minutes and to notice our breathing. Or how to incorporate mindfulness into washing the dishes or the car, preparing a meal, mowing the lawn, or commuting to work. This month, we will expand our repertoire of practices and ability to fully integrate mindfulness most naturally into what we are already doing.
You can find more about this in Mindful Connections for Community where Brian (one of our amazing volunteers) and I recorded a conversation just about this topic! Join that exploration by clicking below.
From the journey,
We Welcome You to Join Our Upcoming Offerings!
Mindfulness Meditation (in-person and online) Awaken Pittsburgh offers three monthly guided meditations open to anyone. This is a chance to practice mindfulness in community together.
Each session follows the same format: introductions, a period of guided meditation, and then a chance to support one another, discuss how our meditations are going at home, and ask any questions we have about practice.
Our in-person venues require us to provide a list ahead of time, so please register via the links provided! Pre-registration helps us to prepare and ensure that we have room for everyone.
Our schedule is as follows:
1st Tuesday of each month, beginning the first week of August, 1:00-2:00 PM – South Hills Jewish Community Center (JCC)
Our in-person venues require us to provide a list ahead of time so please register! Also, you will need to show that you are fully vaccinated to enter. Please arrive early with your vaccination card to register on your way in.
There is no charge for attending, but donations to support our work are appreciated.
We hope to see you there!
Mindful Connections for Helpful Professionals
Mindful Connections is Awaken Pittsburgh’s proprietary program designed to help you create a space for mindfulness and meditation in your own life. You will learn tools to help you stay focused and grounded and, in turn, positively impact your relationships with others. This course is designed especially for those who work in service to others or those whose profession comes with high levels of stress or burnout.
Meets for nine classes from 1:00-2:30, beginning August 9, 2022 via Zoom online video conferencing.
CEUs – This program is offered for 16 CE hours of social work continuing education through co-sponsorship of the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Social Work, a Council on Social Work Education accredited school and therefore a PA pre-approved provider of social work continuing education. These credit hours satisfy requirements for LSW/LCSW, LMFT, and LPC biennial license renewal. For information on social work continuing education, please visit
Mindful Connections is Awaken Pittsburgh’s proprietary program designed to help you create a space for mindfulness and meditation in your own life. We are adapting it here to provide tools to deal with the stress and uncertainty during this unprecedented time of physical distancing. You will learn tools to help you stay focused and grounded and, in turn, positively impact your relationships with others.
This class meets for 9 Thursdays, 6:30-8:00 pm beginning September 22, 2022 via Zoom online video conferencing.
Mindful Connections™ for Wellness can support your mental health and wellbeing through mindfulness and meditation. This particular cohort is specifically reserved for people who identify as TQLBG+!
It will meet for 9 Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm, September 20 – November 15 via Zoom online video conferencing.
Our small but mighty operation is made possible through a team of dedicated, part-time staff and a large network of volunteers and supporters like you.
Awaken Pittsburgh, a 501c3 non-profit organization, relies on the generosity of our community to achieve our mission of fostering well-being, empathy, and compassion for all. Your support helps mindfulness practitioners reach individuals across the Greater Pittsburgh Area through evidence-based programs, activities, and events.
Every life changed was made possible with the help of donors—like you–grantors, community partners, and dozens upon dozens of
volunteers. This is a team effort! We hope you will consider supporting our organization today by becoming a monthly donor or by making a gift in an amount that feels meaningful to you.
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