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Category Blog

Using Mindfulness to Deal with Difficult Emotions

Awaken Pittsburgh Using Mindfulness to Deal with Difficult Emotions, Stress

There are no “good” or “bad emotions.” However, reactions to those emotions can keep us from growing and developing psychologically. These reactions, including avoiding or suppressing our emotions, can also lead to long-term negative health impacts. Socially, we are taught…

4 Ways to Cultivate a Gratitude Mindset

Awaken Pittsburgh gratitude mindfulness

Our mindset—how we perceive ourselves and the world around us—impacts our thoughts and actions. And in a world of both endless opportunities and challenges, holding the right mindset is of utmost importance. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can transform how…

Awaken Pittsburgh in the News: Coping with Election Day Stress

Awaken Pittsburgh mindfulness meditation training programs for stress reduction

Channel 11 Pittsburgh spoke to Stephanie Romero, executive director of Awaken Pittsburgh, about dealing with everyday stress — especially the kind brought on by recent elections. According to a recent survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association, 76% of Americans…

How Awaken Pittsburgh Is Impacting Our Community

PIttsburgh city skyline

In a project funded by the Birmingham Foundation, Awaken Pittsburgh is working with the Hilltop Family Care Center in collaboration with UPMC Children’s Hospital.   About the Birmingham Foundation The Birmingham Foundation is a private (independent) community-focused foundation dedicated to…

How Can Mindful Awareness Dismantle Our Biases

Mindfulness bias awareness

Using mindful awareness to notice and disrupt our biases can potently transform our unexamined preferences and cultivate more capacity for kindness across differences. What is Bias and Why is it a Problem? Most broadly, bias is a preference for one…

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness isn’t a new concept. In fact, the idea of mindfulness has been around for hundreds of years, since the birth of early Buddhism (5th of 6th century BCE). However, deliberately bringing mindfulness into the workplace is fairly recent in…

Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Everyday Life

Ways to Bring Mindfulness into Everyday Life

Take a deep breath. Inhale through your nose, and gently exhale through your mouth. When was the last time you welcomed space to simply sit, breathe, and be with yourself for a moment? Every day we absorb the message that…

How Mindfulness Benefits Your Overall Health

How Mindfulness Benefits Your Overall Health

Mindfulness has many benefits. The practice of opening awareness and being present in the current moment is a wonderful way to connect with the people around us, develop compassion, be more productive, and have better concentration. But did you know…