Mindful Connections™

for Families

Mindful Connections™ for Families

As young children learn to understand and regulate their emotions, it makes all the difference for their caregivers to lead by example. This course helps families—caregivers and their children together—develop essential skills that support healthy, peaceful family relationships. 

Basic Info

Format: In Person

Level: Introductory

When & Where

In-Person Only

6 sessions, each divided into individual time and family time 

Designed For  

Families with children


We are social beings who thrive when we have caring relationships—and when parents learn and practice mindfulness, the positive benefits extend to support the wellbeing of their young children. This course teaches evidence-based mindfulness techniques to both parents/caregivers and their young children so they can recognize and understand emotions, both in themselves and others. The goal is to reduce stress, foster rewarding relationships and support a more peaceful family life.

In Mindful Connections™ for Families, we cover:

  • A basic introduction to mindfulness
  • The research that supports mindfulness
  • Ways to reduce reactivity when things get stressful
  • Noticing, recognizing, and naming our emotions
  • Dealing with difficult emotions and events, individually and as a family
  • Mindful communication between all members of the family
Clients We Serve...
Hilltop Family Care Connections Parent Council of Mount Oliver
Family Centers
UPMC Children's Hospital
Allegheny Intermediate Unit
University of Pittsburgh Office of Childhood Development