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Customized Mindfulness & Meditation Program for Your Workplace Needs
We recognize that every individual, workplace, and organization is unique. We can design a customized program, built upon our proprietary evidence-based curriculum, to suite your organizational needs.
Led by experts in their fields and grounded in the latest findings in neuroscience and cognitive behavioral therapy, Mindful Connections classes are a proven path to powerful and lasting transformation.
The road to better health begins with a free 30 minute consultation. We’ll listen to your specific circumstances and together, design a program around your needs and your budget, based on research and tested practices.
What We Offer
Awaken Pittsburgh will work with you to assess your strengths and needs to create a personalized program. Your program may include one or more of the following:
The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.
Individual coaching
Awaken Pittsburgh offers tailored sessions that are designed to cater to the unique
needs and aspirations of each individual. These sessions help participants cultivate mindfulness practices that can be integrated into daily life, promoting emotional well-being, enhancing resilience, and improving overall quality of life.
Guided by experienced instructors with a deep understanding of mindfulness traditions and contemporary applications, individuals are supported in developing a sustainable and personalized meditation practice. Whether
someone is new to mindfulness or looking to deepen an existing practice, Awaken Pittsburgh's individual coaching is geared towards empowering individuals to harness the transformative power of mindfulness in their everyday lives.
Curious? CLICK HERE to explore a world where mindfulness meets actionable change! t of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.
Curriculum development
Awaken Pittsburgh offers organizations a unique opportunity to cultivate a more mindful, focused, and resilient workforce. Recognizing that each organization has its distinct culture, challenges, and objectives, Awaken Pittsburgh provides personalized curriculum development tailored to meet specific organizational needs.
Our team of experienced educators and mindfulness practitioners collaborates closely with organizational leaders to design a curriculum that aligns with the company's goals, whether it's to reduce stress, enhance employee well-being, boost productivity, or foster a more harmonious workplace environment.
By incorporating a blend of traditional meditation techniques, contemporary mindfulness practices, and evidence-based strategies, Awaken Pittsburgh ensures that each curriculum is both effective and relevant, fostering a culture of mindfulness that resonates deeply within the organization and produces lasting positive change.
Curious? CLICK HERE to explore a world where mindfulness meets actionable change!
Awaken Pittsburgh offers "training the trainer" programs that provide comprehensive education and practical experience to individuals aspiring to become skilled instructors in guiding trauma-sensitive mindfulness and meditation practices. Participants engage in immersive personal practice, learn theoretical foundations, diverse meditation techniques, effective teaching methods, communication and group dynamics skills, ethical guidelines, and the integration of mindfulness in daily life. They would also
receive support in understanding the intersection of trauma and meditation so
that trainees are empowered to facilitate meaningful mindfulness and meditation
experiences for others.
Curious? CLICK HERE to explore a world where mindfulness meets actionable change!
Circles of Care
Awaken Pittsburgh can host facilitated circle conversations to help organizations foster a culture of care and psychological safety. Through skillful facilitation, Awaken Pittsburgh creates a structured and inclusive environment where participants engage in open dialogue, active listening, and authentic sharing. By encouraging equal participation and respecting diverse
perspectives, Awaken Pittsburgh enables organizations of all kinds to address sensitive topics, build trust among team members, and promote a sense of belonging.
These circle conversations use mindful speaking and listening to empower individuals to express themselves honestly, leading to increased
empathy, reduced conflict, and ultimately a more supportive and harmonious
Elevate your organization's wellness journey with our dynamic sessions! Whether you're in the mood for a short burst of insight with our 45-90 minute presentations or you're craving an immersive day of reflection and growth, we've got you covered. From gripping keynote addresses to transformative breakout sessions, our range of offerings caters to groups as large as 250 professionals.
Sample Topics to Pique Your Curiosity:
-Mindful Living: Unlocking the secrets to well-being.
-Stress-Busters: Crafting your ultimate stress-reducing toolkit.
-Trauma in the Workplace: Recognizing its signs and navigating its effects.
-Trauma Sensitivity: What does it truly mean?
-Implicit Bias Unveiled: Understand yours and the steps to mitigate it.
-Mindfulness & Bias: The untold connection.
-Beyond the App: The genuine essence of mindfulness.
-Inspire Wellness: Harnessing the power of mindfulness.
Curious? CLICK HERE to explore a world where mindfulness meets actionable change!
Wellness Experiences
Discover the transformative power of mindfulness with Awaken Pittsburgh's immersive wellness experiences. Dive deep into a curated half or full-day experience, tailored just for your team or organization. Each session spans approximately 45-50 minutes, allowing you to fully immerse yourself before transitioning to your next chosen adventure with a brief 10-15 minute interlude. With intimate groups capped at 25 participants, every session promises a personal touch. For a larger staff of 250+, we offer an expansive palette of 10 enriching options.
Your journey could range from the soothing rhythms of a Drum Circle to the calming embrace of Guided Meditation. Perhaps you'd like to explore the therapeutic wonders of Teas for Healing or channel your creativity through Contemplative Art. With topics encompassing everything from Mindful Eating to Trauma Healing, there's a world of mindfulness waiting for you. Dive in and let Awaken Pittsburgh guide your transformative journey.
CLICK HERE to learn more and customize your experience!
Want to Learn More?
We’ll listen to your specific circumstances and together, design a program around your needs and your budget, based on research and tested practices.
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