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Mindful Connections™ is Awaken Pittsburgh’s evidence-based series of mindfulness training programs designed with those who teach, help, and care for others in mind. Equally, we serve all who actively seek to reduce their stress or increase their mental health and well-being.
We have designed personalized programs for educators, classrooms, early childhood centers, public safety and helping professionals, workplace wellness, and anyone who experiences stress or burnout.
Led by experts in their fields and grounded in the latest findings in neuroscience and dialectical behavioral therapy, Mindful Connections™ programs are a proven path to powerful and lasting transformation.
Explore Programs
Improve your personal wellness, find a meditation session, and join others in mindfulness practice.
Each Mindful Connections™ introductory program is a 17.5-hour course. We offer this in two formats:
Nine (9) 1.5-hour class sessions + one half-day of practice, OR
Four (4) monthly 3-hour sessions + one half-day of practice.
Skill Levels
Our introductory series is geared towards beginners, but introduces a spectrum of practices that can benefit all levels. In addition, we offer programs specific to intermediate and advanced practitioners.
We strive to make mindfulness education accessible and affordable for all. If programming cost is a concern or a barrier to training, reach out to our program manager,
A Variety of Program Formats
Awaken Pittsburgh offers program formats that are customizable to fit your unique workplace needs. Your program can include one or more of the following for individuals, small and large groups, delivered in-person or virtually.
Individual coaching
Curriculum development
Customized presentations
Wellness retreats
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Awaken Pittsburgh can customize a program especially for you, your team, or entire organization.
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