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“To say it was a beautiful day would not begin to explain it. It was that day when the end of summer intersects perfectly with the start of fall.” – Ann Patchett A Moment with Stephanie There has been so…
“Really being mindful of the interactions that I have when I’m teaching people [about inclusion] relates closely to how we navigate mindful meditation “ A MOMENT WITH AWAKEN This month’s conversation was with Alex Lisowski, who is Awaken’s Assistant Treasurer…
“Really being mindful of the interactions that I have when I’m teaching people [about inclusion] relates closely to how we navigate mindful meditation.” A Moment with Awaken! This month’s conversation was with Alex Lisowski. In this conversation, Alex shares some…
“When we numb [hard feelings], we numb joy, we numb gratitude, we numb happiness” -BRENÉ BROWN A Moment with Stephanie Dear Friends – One of the biggest gifts I have received through my meditation practice is the ability to sit…
“There are too many miracles going on to fuss.” A Moment with Awaken! As part of our interview series with our Board of Directors, this month’s conversation was with Ashley Baptiste. Before diving into this, I want to highlight that…
“Just taking a couple of moments to breathe, pay attention to yourself and your surroundings, and exist in the present moment can make a difference in your health.” Awaken Pittsburgh extends its empathy and compassion to those struggling in the…
“Running faster down the wrong road doesn’t get you home.” Announcing Our New Online Awaken Practice Community Would you like to have a way to refresh what you learned in Mindful Connections? Could you use some support for your daily…
“There are too many miracles going on to fuss” Welcome to “A Moment With Awaken!” For this month’s board member interview, I had the pleasure of speaking with Richard Drent. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I…
“Don’t think about the breath, just feeling. And just let that physical sensation be the anchor that keeps you tethered to the present moment.” Welcome to “A Moment With Awaken!” We are excited to launch this new series of interviews…
“Every new moment is a new opportunity to catch yourself, come back to the here and now, and settle your body.” Dear Friends – During Covid19, it’s really easy to fall into the boredom of routine and autopilot when the…
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