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{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Are You Feeling Overwhelmed? Do you feel overwhelmed by your growing “to do” list? Can you remember the last time that you felt joy blossom inside of you? For that matter, when was the last time…
Discover a more mindful and connected life with Awaken Pittsburgh’s Mindful Connections for Wellness program. This unique course offers an invaluable opportunity to integrate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine. Through expert guidance, you’ll acquire practical skills to remain focused and…
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} “Take a walk with a turtle. And behold the world in pause.” -Bruce Feiler Do you fall asleep when you try to meditate? It’s a very common, and discouraging, occurrence. I think it happens because the only…
Get ready to party, meet new friends, and come together to make a positive impact at the Awaken House Party! Welcome to the Awaken House Party: Meet, Mingle, and Make a Difference! Join us for a night of fun,…
Everyone has a comfort zone, a psychological state where things feel familiar and safe. It’s a bubble where stress and risk are at their lowest, but so are opportunities for growth and fulfillment. The nature of comfort zones deeply impacts…
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Second Saturday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format:…
In-person and on-line Guided Mindfulness Meditation Every Third Monday Awaken Pittsburgh is offering regular guided meditations open to anyone! This is a chance to practice in community together. Instruction will be provided, so beginners are welcome. Each session follows the same format:…
Join Us for a Mindful Escape: In-Person & Online Guided Meditation Embrace tranquillity every first Tuesday! Awaken Pittsburgh invites you to our transformative guided meditation sessions, perfect for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Dive into a serene space of communal…
Dear Friends, I hope this issue of the Ripple Effect finds you and those you love doing well. February is Black History Month – a time to honor the culture, experiences, and achievements of Black Americans. Awaken Pittsburgh encourages the…
‘Tis the season to celebrate, reflect, and give thanks. It’s also the perfect opportunity to cultivate a workplace culture centered around gratitude and appreciation. Showing gratitude to your colleagues and employees can go a long way in fostering a positive…
First, I want to say that I feel completely broken-hearted at the ongoing loss of life due to the cycles of violence we seem to be trapped in as a human race. It feels like a tide of violence and…
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